Tuesday 4 June 2013

American Cocker Spaniel

American Cocker Spaniel

American Cocker Spaniel

American Cocker Spaniel

American Cocker Spaniel

American Cocker Spaniel

American Cocker Spaniel

American Cocker Spaniel History and DomesticationThe American Cocker Spaniel is a small and cheerful dog, originally bred as a hunting dog and gun. The English Cocker Spaniel is the ancestor of the American Cocker Spaniel and is thought to have arrived in North America as early as the 14th century. They Were bred for hunting, tracking and as a watchdog, goal in the 19th century, the want for a smaller release of the English Cocker Spaniel, Gave rise to the American Cocker Spaniel found today. Altho the two Were originally only different in size, over the years, They Began to adopt very different traits leading to Their listing as separate breeds in 1945. Today, the American Cocker Spaniel is the smallest breed of gun dog and aussi one of the Most Popular Dogs in America.
American Cocker Spaniel Physical CharacteristicsThe American Cocker Spaniel is a small and compact Dog, known for it's agility and Patience When flushing out game (Particularly birds). As with other Spaniels, the mouth of the American Cocker Spaniel is soft and gentle, making 'em perfect for retrieving game-birds' em without any further Top Causing damage. One of the MOST distinctive features of the American Cocker Spaniel is Their rounded head, with long, fluffy ears That fall on Either side. The American Cocker Spaniel's coat is medium-length, thick and is well-known for it's softness. Their silky fur comes in a variety of colors DEPENDING on the bloodline, and daily grooming Requires To Avoid matting, Particularly around the feet.
American Cocker Spaniel Behaviour and TemperamentThe American Cocker Spaniel is a loyal and excitable breed, that 'HAS Typically joyful and trusting temperament. They are always eager to please and Their owner Both are known to be cooperative and fairly smart Dogs, listening to, understanding and obeying commands, goal aussi They are known to be stubborn from time to time. Their gentle, obedient and affectionate kind Means That They Are Often good as a family pet, and interacting Responding well, to Both children and other animals. They are known to be happy and merry for the majorité of the time and love to exercise Their wild hunting instincts through running, swimming and retrieving toys.
American Cocker Spaniel BreedingThe American Cocker Spaniel was originally bred from the English Cocker Spaniel to Produce the same breed, but a little smaller. This Meant That The American Cocker Spaniel was the ideal size for smaller flushing game-birds: such as Quails and Their Woodcock out of hiding places with ease. Today, one of the American Cocker Spaniel's notable features is silky Their most, feathered All which is as prominent Particularly On Their long, dropped ears and around Their feet. They are still altho Commonly used as hunting and gun Dogs, They Are MOST Commonly kept for show and companionship and are now one of America 's most popular domestic breeds.
American Cocker Spaniel: Interesting Facts and FeaturesDESPITE a number of variations Within the breed, the American Cocker Spaniel is known to still Possess it's original hunting streak and is Commonly said to Have such a great love of toys, that 'it will go to great lengths to Obtain more, Often hiding or destroying year old toy just to get a new one. HOWEVER They are associated with a number of health problems Generally Including the life-threatening IMHA (Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia). American Cocker Spaniels are prone to a number aussi of Both ear and eye conditions aim thesis can be much more Generally Easily Treated.......

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